Restylane (Wrinkle Filler)

Restylane is the newest, fastest growing non-surgical injectable filler. Restylane reduces wrinkles and helps to make you look years younger. It not only fills in lines and wrinkles in the face, but also adds moisture and lubrication to the skin, making you feel younger and fresher. Restylane is a clear, non-animal-based, biodegradable gel that is composed of hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the body ; meaning there is no risk of transmitting diseases or allergic reactions and you don’t need a skin test before the treatment. Restylane also lasts longer than other injectable fillers.

How is Restylane Administered?

Restylane is a clear gel substance which is injected directly beneath the surface of the skin. Through the introduction of Restylane to the treatment area, the hyaluronic-based gel adds natural volume and lift resulting in smoother wrinkles and less prominent folds.

How Will I Feel Post-op?

The patient may feel some discomfort when Restylane is injected, but typically it is quite painless.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

Whilst uncommon, potential side effects associated with the use of Restylane include redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness and moderate pain which typically dissipate after a few days.

Am I a Candidate for Restylane?

Restylane is suitable for candidates of good health who need lip augmentation or enhancement or a reduction of the appearance of lines around the mouth, cheeks, nose or eyes.

What are the Long Term Effects?

Restylane usually lasts longer than other fillers; up to a year. Furthermore, The results of a clinical study released this year at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) in Washington provide evidence that when injected into the skin, it results in significant improvements in skin surface and elasticity.

A further groundbreaking, independent academic study conducted by the University of Michigan shows that Restylane really does rejuvenate the skin. As well as plumping out folds and wrinkles, the gel partially restores the structure of ageing and sun-damaged skin by stimulating the production of collagen. This new, natural collagen contributes to the reduction of the appearance of creases and wrinkles.